"Microchimerism is the presence of a small number of cells that are genetically distinct from those of the host individual. Most people are born with a few cells genetically identical to their mothers' and the proportion of these cells goes down in healthy individuals as they get older. (..) Mothers often also have a few cells genetically identical to those of their children, and some people also have some cells genetically identical to those of their siblings (maternal siblings only, since these cells are passed to them because their mother retained them)."
LERNA (Argenitna, practicar el encuentro)
Hydra of Lerna, HYDRA: morta per Heracles/ Ulises en el seu 2on treball. Filla de Echidna i relacionada amb altres monstres com Esphinx, Quimera, etc.
- Respiració i sang verinosa
- Multiples caps i depen dels autors diu que o que té un sol cap i va acompañada de les seves filles o que té el poder de regeneració: per a cada cap tallat li surten dos.

Relacionat amb Bašmu or Bashmu de la antiga Messopotamia (1era representació del heroi alat dels cels vençent la monstra de les aigues. veure Matricidi)

Vinculació amb el poder de procrear.
Inici del patriarcat
The term "chimera" has come to describe any mythical or fictional creature with parts taken from various animals, to describe anything composed of very disparate parts, or perceived as wildly imaginative, implausible, or dazzling.
In Medieval art, although the Chimera of antiquity was forgotten, chimerical figures appear as embodiments of the deceptive, even satanic forces of raw nature. Provided with a human face and a scaly tail, as in Dante's vision of Geryon in Inferno xvii.7–17, 25–27, hybrid monsters, more akin to the Manticore of Pliny's Natural History (viii.90), provided iconic representations of hypocrisy and fraud well into the seventeenth century, through an emblematic representation in Cesare Ripa's Iconologia.[17]
The myths of the Chimera may be found in the Bibliotheca of Pseudo-Apollodorus (book 1), the Iliad (book 16) by Homer, the Fabulae 57 and 151 by Hyginus, the Metamorphoses (book VI 339 by Ovid; IX 648), and the Theogony 319ff by Hesiod.

Virgil, in the Aeneid (book 5) employs Chimaera for the name of a gigantic ship of Gyas in the ship-race, with possible allegorical significance in contemporary Roman politics.[18]
Yanartaş_ is a geographical feature near the Olympos valley and national park in Antalya Province in southwestern Turkey
"flaming stone"
Mitología grega:
Ser de cos de lleó amb cap de cabra que li surt de l'esquena amb cua que és una serp i treu foc per la boca. Femella.
Filla de Echidna i relacionada amb altres monstres (genealogies diverses) com Gorgona (mare de medussa), la Hydra de Lerna, Esphinx, etc.

Aquests monstres són convinacions de diferents parts d'animlas o d'animals i humans.

És vençuda per l'heroi grec Bellerophon i el cavall alat Pegaso
Situada a Lycia pero es un motiu que sobrepassa temporalment i geograficament la Grècia clàssica.

Mount Chimaera was the name of a place in ancient Lycia, notable for constantly burning fires. It is thought to be the area called Yanartaş in Turkey, where methane and other gases emerge from the rock and burn. Some ancient sources considered it to be the origin of the myth of the monster called the Chimera.

It is the site of dozens of small fires which burn constantly from vents in the rocks on the side of the mountain.
have been burning for at least 2500 years.
Composition: The vents emit mainly methane (87%). The rest is made of hydrogen (7.5-11%), nitrogen (2-4.9 %), light alkanes (0.57%), carbon dioxide (0.01-0.07 %) and helium (80 ppmv). These proportions and the isotopic composition indicates a mix from 2 origins, in equal part:[1]
Els monstres marins vençuts pels herois marquen l'inici del patriarcat.
Llibre "Matricidi"
conferencia Sara

dj., 10 de des. 2020 10:00

per a mi, Museu
Benvolguda Ona,

Gràcies pel teu missatge.

Gracias por tu mensaje.

Lamentablemente el Rutenio (Ru) en estado puro raramente se encuentra en estado natural y no lo tenemos en la colección de minerologia. El Ru siempre aprarece cobminado con la resta de elementso del grupo del patino o PGE (grupo formado por el rutenio, paladio, osmi, iridio, platino y rhodio) formando aliages o en forma de sulfuro de Ru, dando lugar a un mineral que se conoce como laurita. Los cristales de laurita son siempre microscópicos y se estudian mediante tecnicas avanzadas de oservación con el mircroscopico electrónico.

Sentimos no poder-te ayudar, si tienes qualquier otra pregunta, no dudes en preguntarnos.


Marc Campeny Creo
Conservador de Minerologia
Museu de Ciencias Naturales de Barcelona